MCQs 1: Famous romantic poets were_____________?

MCQs 2: From 1st January 2007, how many digits contains in ISBN (International Standard Book Number)?

MCQs 3: Which one of the following is a comedy ?

MCQs 4: Would you tell Sordelo (Browning) as a______________?

MCQs 5: Which book wins the 2013 Man Booker Prize__________________?

MCQs 6: In his poetry Tennyson is_______________?

MCQs 7: Who was a friend of John Milton ?

MCQs 8: Who wrote ‘Crime and Punishment’ ?

MCQs 9: Thomas Hardy was brought up to the profession of_____________?

MCQs 10: What did Robert Frost’s father do ?

MCQs 11: ‘Vanity Fair’ is a novel by_______________?

MCQs 12: The period of English literature from 1660to the end of the century is called_____________?

MCQs 13: Find the Odd man out ?

MCQs 14: Which is called the Victorian Age______________?

MCQs 15: Which one of the following writers is not woman ?

MCQs 16: Shirley, Jane Eyre, Villete were written by_______________?

MCQs 17: Who is the writer of ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’ ?

MCQs 18: James Joyce’s famous novel_____________?

MCQs 19: ‘On Heroes and Hero…worship is written by________________?

MCQs 20: One of the following was a Romantic poet______________?